Your Technology and Healthcare Equipment Provider

Discover a world of possibilities with Simply Compute. Explore our extensive product range, experience unparalleled service, and elevate your IT and medical capabilities to new heights. Welcome to the future of technology and healthcare solutions; welcome to Simply Compute.

Our Vision

Our aspiration is to emerge as the leading provider of Information Technology Systems in India. We are dedicated to realizing this vision by consistently innovating, offering best-in-class products, and delivering world-class services that precisely align with our customers' business needs. Through these endeavors, we aim to not only add substantial value but also actively contribute to our customers' achievements and successes.

Our Mission

Our central mission revolves around empowering our valued clients to harness the full potential of their Information Technology investments. We are committed to ensuring that these investments deliver lasting value by maintaining optimal performance throughout their entire lifecycle. Our unwavering dedication to this goal forms the cornerstone of our service, as we stand by our clients as strategic partners in their technology journeys, helping them navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve enduring success.

Core Values

Dedicated to the relentless pursuit of excellence, we are committed to fostering the growth, empowerment, and continuous development of our team, all while maintaining a steadfast commitment to sustained profitability. At the heart of our interactions with stakeholders, we prioritize unwavering adherence to the highest standards of business ethics, serving as the bedrock of our relationships.

Our Services

In line with the prevailing global technology trends, which emphasize the adoption of Hyper-Converged Infrastructure, robust Security measures, Data and Voice encryption, Video, Storage solutions, and integrated power solutions, as well as advancements in Document Management and Zebra ID Printing Solutions, Simply Compute has its expertise. We've developed the capabilities required to seamlessly integrate these technologies and more, crafting distinctive and forward-thinking solutions tailored to each client's unique requirements.

This approach maximizes the value of existing infrastructure investments, facilitates centralized management, and streamlines core business processes. The outcome is an optimized collaborative environment that seamlessly incorporates Document and Workflow management. Our suite of services encompasses end-to-end implementation and management, offering a comprehensive range of interconnected solutions to meet your evolving needs.

Be in Demand: Digital transformation with Simply Compute

At Simply Compute, we're your catalyst for business transformation, igniting change in a myriad of ways. Our expertise encompasses modernization, the seamless integration of digital technologies, the infusion of innovative concepts into your workflows, and the cultivation of enhanced proficiency. In today's dynamic landscape, consumer preferences have undergone a profound shift, driven by novel service models. Customers now crave instant responses and bespoke solutions from businesses. To thrive in this evolving environment, companies must adapt and innovate, and that's precisely where our expertise comes into play. Our services are aligned with the changing needs of modern workplaces. We harness consumer-centric technologies to automate corporate processes, shape hybrid work environments, empower data-driven decision-making, and much more. The result is not just a business that survives in this digital era, but one that excels and leads in its domain.

Chandni Verma — Co-Founder & CEO

The term “business process automation” (BPA) refers to the use of computer programs to carry out routine, multi-step business procedures. As it reduces the amount of time people spend on a certain business procedure that requires manual labor and maximizes the output.

BPA solutions are typically more involved than other forms of automation since they are designed to meet the unique requirements of a business and its many mobile elements (including people, processes, and apps) as well as IT infrastructure.

The automation of business processes is currently one of the most rapidly developing industries in IT. Businesses now face the challenge of making the most of fewer resources by improving the quality and efficiency of their operations. Customers are increasingly interested in business process automation (BPA) software as a means to standardize and streamline their operations, address issues specific to their workflow, and boost output.

The BPA team at Simply Compute is capable of identifying the range for automation, identifying target processes, mapping existing processes, understanding process boundaries, evaluating the potential for automation, creating wish lists, and configuring automation with low-code business process automation software.

In today’s dynamic hybrid workplace landscape, operational efficiency hinges on the availability of robust collaboration solutions. These solutions are vital in accommodating diverse work styles, seamlessly integrating virtual teamwork practices, and ultimately boosting productivity.

At Simply Compute, we excel in assisting you in identifying potential problem-solving strategies and cultivating innovative approaches to age-old challenges. We serve as the catalyst for a unified communication framework capable of addressing a multitude of needs, including:

  • Facilitating meetings with enterprise IP telephony, encompassing audio, video, and web conferencing.
  • Enabling unified communication, messaging services, and real-time presence tracking.
  • Supporting mobile business processes through enhanced communication capabilities.
  • Providing remote assistance solutions for enhanced support.

Irrespective of your business’s size or the industry you operate in, effective communication and collaboration is non-negotiable. Our meticulous strategies are engineered to empower seamless communication by offering a suite of collaboration solutions. These solutions have the potential to revolutionize your teamwork approach, enhance customer service, and fortify the secure transmission of sensitive data.

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, a fresh perspective on cybersecurity is imperative. The concept of Zero Trust Security has gained prominence within the cybersecurity community, advocating a cautious approach towards unauthenticated connection attempts.

To establish a robust security framework, businesses must adopt a holistic strategy that encompasses not only technology but also people and processes. Simply relying on security-oriented products and solutions isn’t sufficient to safeguard your network, cloud, or business effectively.

At The Simply Compute, we specialize in assisting you in crafting a comprehensive security architecture to fortify your computer systems, networks, and software against cyber threats. Our expertise lies in developing security plans and protocols that leverage the full potential of your technology investments while mitigating security risks. We also ensure that these strategies evolve over time to adapt to changing technological landscapes, emerging security challenges, and operational demands.

Our tailored solutions encompass a wide range of crucial aspects:

1. Social Engineering: This tactic involves attempts to manipulate individuals into divulging sensitive information or taking actions that benefit malicious actors. It can be used in conjunction with other attack methods to deceive targets into visiting malicious websites, downloading harmful software, or trusting malicious code.

2. Identity & Access Management: An essential component of a cloud-centric security strategy, Identity & Access Management ensures that only authorized users have access to sensitive information stored in hybrid environments, like those commonly found in today’s cloud technologies.

3. Zero Trust Network Access: Embracing a comprehensive approach to protect your applications and infrastructure from unauthorized intrusions, regardless of the device’s location. Our Zero Trust Security paradigm empowers you to prevent, detect, and respond to threats across your entire ecosystem.

4. Network Security: Network security involves creating a secure environment for the safe interaction of computers, networks, programs, and people, safeguarding against harm and theft of valuable information.

5. Ransomware Protection: Malware, like ransomware, is a significant cybersecurity threat. Attackers encrypt data and demand payment for its release, often in cryptocurrencies. We provide solutions to protect against and respond to ransomware attacks.

6. Endpoint Security: Protecting a wide range of devices, from mobile phones and computers to medical equipment and IoT devices, since they serve as potential entry points for hackers. Endpoints are attractive targets because they can provide access to the entire network.

7. Phishing: Phishing attacks involve tricking users into divulging personal information by opening fraudulent emails that appear to be from trusted sources. It’s a prevalent form of cyber-attack that requires awareness and vigilance.

8. Malware: Malicious software, or malware, includes viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, adware, and ransomware. These are designed to harm your computer systems.

9. Antivirus: Antivirus software, equipped with virus scanners and removal tools, aims to protect computers from a variety of malicious code, including viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and adware.

At The Simply Compute, we’re committed to fortifying your digital defenses, ensuring your business remains resilient in the face of evolving cyber threats. Our comprehensive solutions are tailored to meet your unique security needs and are underpinned by years of expertise in the cybersecurity domain.

Brands we Deal

Quality Comes First

The Right Team At Simply Compute, our team comprises a dynamic ensemble of highly skilled industry and technology experts. With extensive experience spanning diverse disciplines, technologies, vendors, standards, and methodologies, we are uniquely positioned to guide your organization in making business-critical decisions that align seamlessly with your corporate objectives. Our collective expertise empowers us to offer strategic insights and innovative solutions, ensuring that your business stays at the forefront of industry trends and technology advancements. Together, we navigate the complex landscape of modern business, helping you achieve your goals and thrive in an ever-evolving world.

The Right Practice At Simply Compute, our commitment to excellence extends to adopting internationally recognized standards as an integral part of our practices. A prime example is our Managed Services program, meticulously crafted on the foundation of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework, a globally acknowledged industry standard for IT Services Management.
By aligning with ITIL, we ensure that our services adhere to best practices, delivering the highest levels of efficiency, reliability, and quality. This commitment not only underscores our dedication to maintaining the highest standards but also underscores our pursuit of excellence in every facet of our operations.

The Right Combination At Simply Compute, our commitment to delivering exceptional value to our clients is reinforced through our strategic partnerships with leading technology product and communication service providers. These valued relationships grant our clients privileged access to cutting-edge technologies, comprehensive support, specialized training, and certification programs.
These alliances are not just about access; they empower us to take an objective approach in selecting technologies that precisely align with our clients' unique requirements. In doing so, we craft end-to-end solutions that are tailored to deliver the utmost in performance, efficiency, and effectiveness. Our mission is to be your trusted partner, providing you with the best-in-class solutions that drive your success in today's dynamic technology landscape.